TORX® eXperience

TORX eXperience

Ranking 2023-24

Official Ranking 2023-2024

Female podium

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Male podium

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​​WHO participates in the ranking:

  • Finishers of the TOR330 - Tor des Géants® registered via PAX.

RANKING is compiled by summing the following values:

  • iTRA score obtained by participating in one or more TORX® eXperience partner races of a season. Each race provides a score. The final iTRA score is the sum of all scores.
  • The difference between 1000 and the overall ranking position in TOR330 - Tor des Géants® (e.g. the first runner will gain 999 points).


  • The top 3 women and the top 3 men in the overall ranking will be awarded.
  • The award ceremony will take place during the awards ceremony of TORX® event.


  • Partner races of a year contribute to the next year’s ranking. Is not possible to sum scores gained in different seasons. TOR330 Tor des Géants counts only as the final race.
  • For example, finishers of 2023 TORX® eXperience partner races will be awarded only after finishing the TOR330 Tor des Géants 2024. The result of TOR330 2023 will not affect their ranking.

TORX 2024 - Finalists

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List of participants for the 2023-24 season

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© copyright 2009-2025 by VDA Trailers SSDrl

Any dissemination for commercial purposes of photographic or video images captured during the event, via any means (internet, social networks, TV, press, magazines, etc.), without written authorisation from the organisation is prohibited.

TORX®, TOR®, Tor des Géants®, Tor des Glaciers ™, Passage au Malatrà ™, Tot Dret ™, TOR450 ™, TOR330 ™, TOR130 ™, TOR100 ™ and TOR30 ™ are trademarks owned or used exclusively by VDA Trailers. Any communication of the event or use of images of it must be done in observance of the name of the event and registered trademarks, subject to agreement by the organisation.

Valle d'Aosta Trailers SSDrl | Via Roma, 98 | 11013 Courmayeur | CF/P.IVA 01139360075 | Nr. Iscr. Reg. Imprese AOSTA AO-70629